Alexander Mustill
I am a Senior Research Fellow (Forskare) at the Department of Physics at Lund University, Sweden. My work centres on understanding how planetary systems form, how they change with time, and what their ultimate fates are.
I completed my Ph.D. at the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, where I studied the interactions between planets and debris discs with Mark Wyatt. I then moved to the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for my postdoctoral work on the effects of stellar evolution on planetary systems with Eva Villaver, and thence to Lund at the start of 2014, where I continue to study many aspects of exoplanet dynamics.
I use computer simulations and mathematical analysis to understand how planets' orbits change with time, and work out the implications for our knowledge of how planets form. My specific areas of interest are:
- How does stellar evolution (stars becoming large red giants and then dead white dwarfs) affect a planetary system?
- What sets planetary system multiplicity? Why are some planets single but others are gregarious with many companions?
- How do planets interact with extra-Solar comets and asteroids (the building blocks of, and debris from, planet formation)?
- How did planets, asteroids and comets form and attain their current orbits in our own Solar System?
- Are there links between where a planetary system formed, or where it is located now in the Galaxy, and the properties of its planets?
To address these questions, I work both with other theorists to understand general physical processes, and with observers to understand and interpret known planetary systems. In particular, I am active in Working Groups/Work Packages to prepare for the European Space Agency's CHEOPS and upcoming PLATO space missions, both aimed at detecting and characterising transiting exoplanets.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
The Evolution and Delivery of Rocky Extra-Solar Materials to White Dwarfs
Dimitri Veras, Alexander J. Mustill, Amy Bonsor
(2024) Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 90 p.141-170
Journal articleThe formation of transiting circumplanetary debris discs from the disruption of satellite systems during planet-planet scattering
Alexander J. Mustill, Melvyn B. Davies, Matthew A. Kenworthy
(2024) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530 p.3606-3616
Journal articlePlanets observed with CHEOPS : Two super-Earths orbiting the red dwarf star TOI-776
M. Fridlund, N. A. Walton, A.~J. Mustill, Melvyn B Davies, J. Korth
(2024) Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684
Journal articleMaking hot Jupiters in stellar clusters - II. Efficient formation in binary systems
Daohai Li, Alexander J. Mustill, Melvyn B. Davies, Yan-Xiang Gong
(2024) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527 p.386-402
Journal articleCharacterising TOI-732 b and c: New insights into the M-dwarf radius and density valley★,★★
A. Bonfanti, A.J. Mustill, M.B. Davies, K. Westerdorff, T. Zingales
(2024) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 682
Journal articleTOI-1408: Discovery and Photodynamical Modeling of a Small Inner Companion to a Hot Jupiter Revealed by Transit Timing Variations
J. Korth, A.J. Mustill, D. Hobbs, J.N. Winn
(2024) Astrophysical Journal Letters, 971
Journal articleCompany for the Ultra-high Density, Ultra-short Period Sub-Earth GJ 367 b: Discovery of Two Additional Low-mass Planets at 11.5 and 34 Days
Elisa Goffo, Davide Gandolfi, Jo Ann Egger, Alexander J. Mustill, Simon H. Albrecht, et al.
(2023) Astrophysical Journal Letters, 955
Journal articleTOI-1130: A photodynamical analysis of a hot Jupiter in resonance with an inner low-mass planet
J. Korth, D. Gandolfi, J. Šubjak, S. Howard, S. Ataiee, et al.
(2023) Astronomy & Astrophysics, 675
Journal articleA new dynamical modeling of the WASP-47 system with CHEOPS observations
V. Nascimbeni, L. Borsato, T. Zingales, G. Piotto, I. Pagano, et al.
(2023) Astronomy & Astrophysics, 673
Journal articleMaking hot Jupiters in stellar clusters: The importance of binary exchange
Daohai Li, Alexander J. Mustill, Melvyn B. Davies, Yan-Xiang Gong
(2023) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518 p.4265-4277
Journal articleCan Gaia find planets around white dwarfs?
Hannah Sanderson, Amy Bonsor, Alexander Mustill
(2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 p.5835-5852
Journal articleThe HD 93963 A transiting system: A 1.04 d super-Earth and a 3.65 d sub-Neptune discovered by TESS and CHEOPS
L. M. Serrano, A. J. Mustill, M. B. Davies, N. Walton
(2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 667
Journal articleDisentangling the parameter space: the role of planet multiplicity in triggering dynamical instabilities on planetary systems around white dwarfs
R.~F. Maldonado, E. Villaver, A.~J. Mustill, M. Chávez
(2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 p.104-115
Journal articleEffects of capturing a wide-orbit planet on planetary systems: system stability and habitable zone bombardment rates
Giorgi Kokaia, Melvyn B. Davies, Alexander J. Mustill
(2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 p.1685-1693
Journal articleRelentless and complex transits from a planetesimal debris disc
J. Farihi, J.~J. Hermes, T.~R. Marsh, A.~J. Mustill, M.~C. Wyatt, et al.
(2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 p.1647-1666
Journal articleInvestigating the architecture and internal structure of the TOI-561 system planets with CHEOPS, HARPS-N, and TESS
G. Lacedelli, T.~G. Wilson, L. Malavolta, M.~J. Hooton, A. Collier Cameron, et al.
(2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 p.4551-4571
Journal articleA pair of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright K-dwarf TOI-1064 characterized with CHEOPS
Thomas G. Wilson, Elisa Goffo, Yann Alibert, Davide Gandolfi, Andrea Bonfanti, et al.
(2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 p.1043-1071
Journal articleHot Jupiters, cold kinematics : High phase space densities of host stars reflect an age bias
Alexander J. Mustill, Michiel Lambrechts, Melvyn B. Davies
(2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 658 p.199-199
Journal articleMetal Pollution of the Solar White Dwarf by Solar System Small Bodies
Daohai Li, Alexander J. Mustill, Melvyn B. Davies
(2022) Astrophysical Journal, 924
Journal articleDynamical orbital evolution scenarios of the wide-orbit eccentric planet HR 5183b
Alexander J. Mustill, Melvyn B. Davies, Sarah Blunt, Andrew Howard
(2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509 p.3616-3625
Journal articleA low-eccentricity migration pathway for a 13-h-period Earth analogue in a four-planet system
Luisa Maria Serrano, Davide Gandolfi, Alexander J. Mustill, Oscar Barragán, Judith Korth, et al.
(2022) Nature Astronomy, 6 p.736-750
Journal articleGuide till solsystemets småkroppar
Alexander J Mustill
(2022) Populär Astronomi, 2022 p.48-49
ReviewAccretion of tidally disrupted asteroids on to white dwarfs : Direct accretion versus disc processing
Daohai Li, Alexander J. Mustill, Melvyn B. Davies
(2021) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508 p.5671-5686
Journal articleThe entry geometry and velocity of planetary debris into the Roche sphere of a white dwarf
Dimitri Veras, Nikolaos Georgakarakos, Alexander J. Mustill, Uri Malamud, Tim Cunningham, et al.
(2021) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506 p.1148-1164
Journal articleHow the formation of Neptune shapes the Kuiper belt
Simona Pirani, Anders Johansen, Alexander J. Mustill
(2021) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 650
Journal articleESPRESSO mass determination of TOI-263b : An extreme inhabitant of the brown dwarf desert
E. Palle, R. Luque, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, H. Parviainen, M. Ikoma, et al.
(2021) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 650
Journal articleHD 76920 b pinned down : A detailed analysis of the most eccentric planetary system around an evolved star
C. Bergmann, M. I. Jones, J. Zhao, A. J. Mustill, R. Brahm, et al.
(2021) Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 38
Journal articleCHEOPS observations of the HD 108236 planetary system: A fifth planet, improved ephemerides, and planetary radii
A Bonfanti, Alexander J Mustill, Melvyn B Davies
(2021) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 646
Journal articleA search for transiting planets around hot subdwarfs : I. Methods and performance tests on light curves from Kepler, K2, TESS, and CHEOPS
V. Van Grootel, M.B. Davies, Alexander J Mustill, T. G. Wilson
(2021) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 650
Journal articleDo instabilities in high-multiplicity systems explain the existence of close-in white dwarf planets?
R. F. Maldonado, E. Villaver, A. J. Mustill, M. Chávez, E. Bertone
(2021) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 501 p.43-48
Journal articleFlyby encounters between two planetary systems II: exploring the interactions of diverse planetary system architectures
Daohai Li, Alexander J. Mustill, Melvyn B. Davies
(2020) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496 p.1149-1165
Journal articleLinking the formation and fate of exo-Kuiper belts within Solar system analogues
Dimitri Veras, Katja Reichert, Francesco Flammini Dotti, Maxwell X. Cai, Alexander J. Mustill, et al.
(2020) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493 p.5062-5078
Journal articleSuper-Earth ingestion can explain the anomalously high metal abundances of M67 Y2235
Ross P. Church, Alexander J. Mustill, Fan Liu
(2020) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491 p.2391-2402
Journal articleDynamical evolution of two-planet systems and its connection with white dwarf atmospheric pollution
R. F. Maldonado, E. Villaver, A. J. Mustill, M. Chavez, E. Bertone
(2020) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497 p.4091-4106
Journal articleEncounters involving planetary systems in birth environments : The significant role of binaries
Daohai Li, Alexander J. Mustill, Melvyn B. Davies
(2020) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499 p.1212-1225
Journal articleUnderstanding the origin of white dwarf atmospheric pollution by dynamical simulations based on detected three-planet systems
R. F. Maldonado, E. Villaver, A. J. Mustill, M. Chavez, E. Bertone
(2020) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499 p.1854-1869
Journal articleResilient habitability of nearby exoplanet systems
Giorgi Kokaia, Melvyn B. Davies, Alexander J. Mustill
(2020) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492 p.352-368
Journal articleCapture of satellites during planetary encounters : A case study of the Neptunian moons Triton and Nereid
Daohai Li, Anders Johansen, Alexander J. Mustill, Melvyn B. Davies, Apostolos A. Christou
(2020) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 638
Journal articleTwo Intermediate-mass Transiting Brown Dwarfs from the TESS Mission
Theron W. Carmichael, Samuel N. Quinn, Alexander J. Mustill, Chelsea Huang, George Zhou, et al.
(2020) The Astronomical Journal, 160
Journal articleA giant exoplanet orbiting a very-low-mass star challenges planet formation models
J. C. Morales, A. J. Mustill, I. Ribas, M. B. Davies, A. Reiners, et al.
(2019) Science, 365 p.1441-1445
Journal articleFly-by encounters between two planetary systems I: Solar system analogues
Daohai Li, Alexander J. Mustill, Melvyn B. Davies
(2019) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488 p.1366-1376
Journal articleGreening of the brown-dwarf desert. EPIC 212036875b: a 51 MJ object in a 5-day orbit around an F7 V star
Carina M. Persson, Szilárd Csizmadia, Alexander J. Mustill, Malcolm Fridlund, Artie P. Hatzes, et al.
(2019) Astronomy & Astrophysics, 628 p.64-64
Journal articleA planetesimal orbiting within the debris disc around a white dwarf star
Christopher J. Manser, Boris T. Gänsicke, Siegfried Eggl, Mark Hollands, Paula Izquierdo, et al.
(2019) Science, 364 p.66-69
Journal articleA planetesimal orbiting within the debris disc around a white dwarf star
Christopher J. Manser, Boris T. Gänsicke, Siegfried Eggl, Mark Hollands, Paula Izquierdo, et al.
(2019) Science, 364 p.66-69
Journal articleConsequences of planetary migration on the minor bodies of the early solar system
S. Pirani, A. Johansen, B. Bitsch, A. J. Mustill, D. Turrini
(2019) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 623
Journal articleOn the inclinations of the Jupiter Trojans
Simona Pirani, Anders Johansen, Alexander J. Mustill
(2019) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 631
Journal articleThe Kepler-11 system : Evolution of the stellar high-energy emission and initial planetary atmospheric mass fractions
D. Kubyshkina, L. Fossati, A. J. Mustill, P. E. Cubillos, M. B. Davies, et al.
(2019) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 632
Journal articleDynamical evolution of two planet systems into the white dwarf phase
R. F. Maldonado, E. Villaver, M. Chávez, A. Mustill, E. Bertone
(2019) Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana - Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society, 90 p.675-677
Conference paperFast spectrophotometry of WD 1145+017
Paula Izquierdo, Pablo Rodriguez-Gil, Boris T. Gänsicke, Alexander J. Mustill, Odette Toloza, et al.
(2018) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481 p.703-714
Journal articleTwenty years of photometric microlensing events predicted by Gaia DR2 : Potential planet-hosting lenses within 100 pc
Alexander J Mustill, Melvyn B Davies, Lennart Lindegren
(2018) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 617
Journal articleThe dynamical evolution of transiting planetary systems including a realistic collision prescription
Alexander J Mustill, Melvyn B Davies, Anders Johansen
(2018) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478 p.2896-2908
Journal articleDetailed chemical compositions of the wide binary HD 80606/80607 : Revised stellar properties and constraints on planet formation
F. Liu, D. Yong, M. Asplund, S. Feltzing, A. J. Mustill, et al.
(2018) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 614
Journal articleUnstable low-mass planetary systems as drivers of white dwarf pollution
Alexander J. Mustill, Eva Villaver, Dimitri Veras, Boris T. Gänsicke, Amy Bonsor
(2018) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476 p.3939-3955
Journal articleCircularizing Planet Nine through dynamical friction with an extended, cold planetesimal belt
Linn E.J. Eriksson, Alexander J. Mustill, Anders Johansen
(2018) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475 p.4609-4616
Journal articleThe Pan-Pacific Planet Search. VII. the Most Eccentric Planet Orbiting a Giant Star
Robert A. Wittenmyer, M. I. Jones, Jonathan Horner, Stephen R. Kane, J. P. Marshall, et al.
(2017) The Astronomical Journal, 154
Journal articleK2-111 b - a short period super-Earth transiting a metal poor, evolved old star
M. Fridlund, E. Gaidos, O. Barragán, C.~M. Persson, D. Gandolfi, et al.
(2017) Astronomy & Astrophysics, 604
Journal articleThe effects of external planets on inner systems: multiplicities, inclinations and pathways to eccentric warm Jupiters
A.~J. Mustill, M.~B. Davies, A. Johansen
(2017) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468 p.3000-3023
Journal articleThe unstable fate of the planet orbiting the A star in the HD 131399 triple stellar system
Dimitri Veras, A.~J. Mustill, B.~T. Gänsicke
(2017) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465 p.1499-1504
Journal articleThe origin of the eccentricity of the hot Jupiter in CI Tau
G.~P. Rosotti, J. R. A. Booth, C.J. Clarke, J. Teyssandier, S. Facchini, et al.
(2017) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464 p.114-118
Journal articleExocomet signatures around the A-shell star φ Leonis?
C. Eiroa, I. Rebollido, B. Montesinos, E. Villaver, O. Absil, et al.
(2016) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 594
Journal articleLong-term stability of the HR 8799 planetary system without resonant lock
Y. Götberg, M.~B. Davies, A.~J. Mustill, A. Johansen, R.~P. Church
(2016) Astronomy & Astrophysics, 592 p.147-147
Journal articleIs there an exoplanet in the Solar system?
A.~J. Mustill, S.~N. Raymond, M.~B. Davies
(2016) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 460 p.109-113
Journal articleFull-lifetime simulations of multiple unequal-mass planets across all phases of stellar evolution
D. Veras, A.~J. Mustill, B.~T. Gänsicke, S. Redfield, N. Georgakarakos, et al.
(2016) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 458 p.3942-3967
Journal articleThe Destruction Of Inner Planetary Systems During High-Eccentricity Migration Of Gas Giants
Alexander Mustill, Melvyn B Davies, Anders Johansen
(2015) Astrophysical Journal, 808
Journal articleCapture and evolution of dust in planetary mean-motion resonances: a fast, semi-analytic method for generating resonantly trapped disc images
Andrew Shannon, Alexander Mustill, Mark Wyatt
(2015) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 448 p.684-702
Journal articleProspects for detecting decreasing exoplanet frequency with main-sequence age using PLATO
Dimitri Veras, David J. A. Brown, Alexander Mustill, Don Pollacco
(2015) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453 p.67-72
Journal articleHot Jupiters and Cool Stars
Eva Villaver, Mario Livio, Alexander Mustill, Lionel Siess
(2014) Astrophysical Journal, 794
Journal articleWTS-2 b: a hot Jupiter orbiting near its tidal destruction radius around a K dwarf
J. L. Birkby, M. Cappetta, P. Cruz, J. Koppenhoefer, O. Ivanyuk, et al.
(2014) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440 p.1470-1489
Journal articleLong-term evolution of three-planet systems to the post-main sequence and beyond
Alexander Mustill, Dimitri Veras, Eva Villaver
(2014) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437 p.1404-1419
Journal articleA detailed dynamical investigation of the proposed QS Virginis planetary system
J Horner, R A Wittenmyer, T C Hinse, J P Marshall, Alexander Mustill, et al.
(2013) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435 p.2033-2039
Journal articleA simple scaling for the minimum instability time-scale of two widely spaced planets
Dimitri Veras, Alexander Mustill
(2013) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 434 p.11-15
Journal articleSimulations of two-planet systems through all phases of stellar evolution: implications for the instability boundary and white dwarf pollution
Dimitri Veras, Alexander Mustill, Amy Bonsor, Mark C Wyatt
(2013) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431 p.1686-1708
Journal articleHerschel's "Cold Debris Disks": Background Galaxies or Quiescent Rims of Planetary Systems?
A V Krivov, C Eiroa, T Löhne, J P Marshall, B Montesinos, et al.
(2013) The Astrophysical Journal, 772
Journal articleMain-sequence progenitor configurations of the NN Ser candidate circumbinary planetary system are dynamically unstable
Alexander Mustill, Jonathan P Marshall, Eva Villaver, Dimitri Veras, Philip J Davis, et al.
(2013) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436 p.2515-2521
Journal articleForetellings of Ragnarök: World-engulfing Asymptotic Giants and the Inheritance of White Dwarfs
Alexander Mustill, Eva Villaver
(2012) The Astrophysical Journal, 761
Journal articleDependence of a planet's chaotic zone on particle eccentricity: the shape of debris disc inner edges
Alexander Mustill, Mark C Wyatt
(2012) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419 p.3074-3080
Journal articleThe great escape: how exoplanets and smaller bodies desert dying stars
Dimitri Veras, Mark C Wyatt, Alexander Mustill, Amy Bonsor, John J Eldridge
(2011) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 417 p.2104-2123
Journal articleA general model of resonance capture in planetary systems: first- and second-order resonances
Alexander Mustill, Mark C Wyatt
(2011) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413 p.554-572
Journal articleDynamical effects of stellar mass-loss on a Kuiper-like belt
Amy Bonsor, Alexander Mustill, Mark C Wyatt
(2011) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414 p.930-939
Journal articleDebris disc stirring by secular perturbations from giant planets
Alexander Mustill, Mark C Wyatt
(2009) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 399 p.1403-1414
Journal article