Workshop Programme
Lund, 1-2 November 2023
Note that all talks are 20 min + 10 min discussion
13:00 Welcome – Nils Ryde
Theoretical Background - Session chair Brian Thorsbro
13:10 Galaxy Formation in a Cosmological Context – Oscar Agertz, Florent Renaud
13:45 The emergence of globular & nuclear star clusters – Justin Read
14:15 The Evolution of Europium in Galaxies – Francesca Matteucci
14:45 Galactic Chemical Evolution Models – Valeria Grisoni
15:15 – 16:00 Coffee
Theoretical Background - continued
16:00 The effects of gas infalls and spiral arms on GCE models – Emanuele Spitoni
16:30 Chemistry vs. Milky Way structure – Ralph Schönrich
17:00 Observational frontiers in the Galactic bulge and Local Volume – Mike Rich
17:30 Origin of the s and r process elements – Chiaki Kobayashi
19:30 Dinner at Kulturens restaurang
Google maps
Spectroscopic Background - Session chair Rebecca Forsberg
08:30 Linelists for 4MOST and the NIR – Martin Montelius
09:00 Non-LTE in abundance analyses – Anish Amarsi
09:30 Atomic data for NLTE modelling of n-capture elements – Paul Barklem
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee
R-process Elements - Session chair Rebecca Forsberg
10:30 The r-process nucleosynthesis in kilonovae – Nikhil Sarin
11:00 The r-process Alliance – Terese T. Hansen
11:30 The Bright Future of the Ground-Based Near-UV Spectroscopy for r-rich stars – Heitor Ernandes
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch at IKDC (you pay yourselves at the restaurant):
Neutron Capture Elements in Surveys - Session chair Govind Nandakumar
14:00 Heavy-element abundances as seen by GALAH – Iryna Kushniruk
14:30 Chemical maps of the Milky Way with Gaia – Patrick de Laverny
15:00 s-elements from Gaia/RVS spectra: content of the Galactic discs and AGB nucleosynthesis – Gabriele Contursi
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee
16:00 The Evolution of Neutron-Capture Elements across the Milky Way with the Gaia-ESO survey – Marta Molero
16:30 Examining the [s-process/Mg] abundance ratio with age and birth radii in the Milky Way disk – Bridget Ratcliffe
17:00 Concluding Remarks – Nils Ryde
17:05 End of Workshop
PhD Defence Rebecca Forsberg
3 November 2023
Although not part of the workshop, the PhD defence of Rebecca Forsberg's thesis "The Milky Way as seen through Neutron-Capture Elements" will take place on the Friday November 3rd at 9:00 am in Lundmarksalen, Lund Observatory. The defence is an open event and we welcome everyone interested in attending.

Local & Scientific Organising Committee (LOC/SOC)
Nils Ryde, Govind Nandakumar, Brian Thorsbro, Rebecca Forsberg, Karin Lennebo