Torben Andersen
Professor emeritus (Leave of Absence)
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Comparison of optimizers for model predictive thermal control of buildings
Torben Andersen
(2024) Energy and AI, 15
Journal articleImage-based wavefront sensing for astronomy using neural networks
Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen, Anita Enmark
(2020) Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 6
Journal articleNeural networks for image-based wavefront sensing for astronomy
Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen, Anita Enmark
(2019) Optics Letters, 44 p.4618-4621
Journal articleModeling of structural cables
Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen
(2018) Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy VIII, 10705
Conference paperThe Carlina-type diluted telescope Stellar fringes on Deneb
H. Le Coroller, J. Dejonghe, F. Hespeels, L. Arnold, Torben Andersen, et al.
(2015) Astronomy & Astrophysics, 573
Journal articleThe colour of the dark side of the Moon
P. Thejll, C. Flynn, H. Gleisner, Torben Andersen, A. Ulla, et al.
(2014) Astronomy & Astrophysics, 563
Journal articleLinearized Model of an Actively Controlled Cable for a Carlina Diluted Telescope
Torben Andersen, Hervé le Coroller, Mette Owner-Petersen, Julien Dejonghe
(2013) Improving the performances of current optical interferometers & future designs : Proceedings of Haute Provence Observatory Colloquium (23-27 September 2013)
Conference paperSuppressing low-order eigenmodes with local control for deformable mirrors
Rikard Heimsten, Mette Owner-Petersen, Thomas Ruppel, Douglas G. MacMynowski, Torben Andersen
(2012) Optical Engineering, 51
Journal articleConcept, modeling, and performance prediction of a low-cost, large deformable mirror
Rikard Heimsten, Douglas G. MacMynowski, Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen
(2012) Applied Optics, 51 p.515-524
Journal articleDistributed Force Control of Deformable Mirrors
Douglas G. MacMynowski, Rikard Heimsten, Torben Andersen
(2011) European Journal of Control, 17 p.249-260
Journal articleIntegrated Modeling of Telescopes
Torben Andersen, Anita Enmark
(2011) Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 1
BookIntegrated Modeling of a Laboratory Setup for a Large Deformable Mirror
Rikard Heimsten, Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen, Douglas G. MacMynowski
(2011) Integrated Modeling of Complex Optomechanical Systems, 8336 p.83360-83360
Conference paperThe Earthshine Telescope Project
Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen, P. Thejll, H. Gleisner, Arne Ardeberg, et al.
(2010) Thalassas, 26 p.119-128
Journal articleWind buffeting of large telescopes
Douglas G. MacMynowski, Torben Andersen
(2010) Applied Optics, 49 p.625-636
Journal articleThe Robotic Earthshine Telescope
Ahmad Darudi, Mette Owner-Petersen, Peter Thejll, Hans Gleisner, David Taylor, et al.
(2010) Proceedings of the SPIE, 7733 p.8-77332
Conference paperProgress in Developing a Low-Cost Large Deformable Mirror
Rikard Heimsten, Douglas G. MacMynowski, Torben Andersen
(2010) Adaptive Optics Systems II, 7736
Conference paperComparison of wavefront sensor models for simulation of adaptive optics
Zhiwen Wu, Anita Enmark, Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen
(2009) Optics Express, 17 p.20575-20583
Journal articleHigh Time Resolution Astrophysics and ELTs – which wavelength?
A. Shearer, J. Cunniffe, B. Neustroev, Michael Browne, Torben Andersen, et al.
(2008) Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 6986 p.1-698600
Conference paperModeling large deformable mirrors
Rikard Heimsten, Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen
(2008) SPIE Proceedings, 7017 p.516-523
Conference paperExtremely Large Telescopes: Which Wavelengths? Retirement Symposium for Arne Ardeberg
(2008) SPIE Proceedings, 6986
Conference publicationThe Earthshine Telescope Project
Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen, Arne Ardeberg, P. Thejll, H. Gleisner
(2008) SPIE Proceedings, 7012 p.122-122
Conference paperModeling ELTs at different wavelengths
Anita Enmark, Torben Andersen
(2008) Extremely Large Telescopes: Which Wavelengths? Retirement Symposium for Arne Ardeberg, 6986 p.9860-9860
Conference paperAn Integrated Model of the European Extremely Large Telescope
Torben Andersen, Anita Enmark, Peter Linde, Mette Owner-Petersen, Anders Sjöström, et al.
Conference paperVery high-resolution spectroscopy for extremely large telescopes using pupil slicing and adaptive optics
Jacques M. Beckers, Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen
(2007) Optics Express, 15 p.1983-1994
Journal articleHigh resolution spectroscopy with extremely large telescopes using pupil slicing
J. Beckers, Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen
(2006) American Astronomical Society Meeting 2006, #55.04
Conference paperOptimised external computation for the Euro50 MATLAB based integrated model
M Browne, Anita Enmark, Torben Andersen, A Shearer
(2006) Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 6271
Conference paperEuro 50 - A 50 m Adaptive Optics Extremely Large Telescope
Arne Ardeberg, Torben Andersen
(2006) The many scales in the universe : JENAM 2004 astrophysics reviews
Conference paperArchitecture of the integrated model of the Euro50
Anita Enmark, Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen, Michael Browne, Andrew Shearer
(2006) Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy II, 6271 p.27114-27114
Conference paperEuro50: A European 50 m Adaptive Optics Extremely Large Telescope
Arne Ardeberg, Torben Andersen
(2006) The Many Scales of the Universe , p.261-294
Book chapterStatus of the Integrated Model of the Euro50
Anita Enmark, Torben Andersen, Michael Browne, Mette Owner-Petersen
(2006) Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy II, 6271 p.27102-27102
Conference paperFrom Euro50 towards a European ELT
Arne Ardeberg, Torben Andersen, Jacques Beckers, Michael Browne, Anita Enmark, et al.
(2006) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6267 II p.26725-26725
Conference paperA new concept for large deformable mirrors for extremely large telescopes
Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen, Arne Ardeberg, T Korhonen
(2006) Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6272 p.324-331
Conference paperSimulation of adaptive optics for the Vacuum Tower Telescope
Anita Enmark, Thomas Berkefeld, Oskar von der Luhe, Torben Andersen
(2006) Experimental Astronomy, 21 p.87-99
Journal articleNovel concept for large deformable mirrors
Torben Andersen, Olof Garpinger, Mette Owner-Petersen, Fredrik Bjoorn, Roger Svahn, et al.
(2006) Optical Engineering, 45
Journal articleA European ELT design study
Arne Ardeberg, Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen
(2005) Proceedings of the Inaternational Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 232 p.432-442
Conference paperHigh-order laser guide star performance for the Euro50 telescope
Chengyu Fan, Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen, Arne Ardeberg
(2005) Optics Express, 13 p.1377-1383
Journal articleInstruments for a European Extremely Large Telescope: the challenges of designing instruments for 30- to 100-m telescopes
Adrian P. Russell, Guy Monnet, Andreas Quirrenbach, Roland Bacon, Michael Redfern, et al.
(2004) Ground-based instrumentation for astronomy (Proceedings of the SPIE), 5492 p.1796-1809
Conference paperWind on the Euro50 Enclosure
Holger Riewaldt, M. Lastiwka, N. Quinlan, K. McNamara, Xin Wang, et al.
(2004) Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5495 p.537-548
Conference paperAn extremely large telescope : the computational science challenge
Göran Sandberg, Arne Ardeberg, Torben Andersen, Gustav Olsson
Conference paperSecond Bäckaskog Workshop on Extremely Large Telescopes
(2004) Proceedings of the SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers), 5382
Conference publicationA parallel integrated model of the Euro50
Torben Andersen, Anita Enmark, Dan Moraru, Chengyu Fan, Mette Owner-Petersen, et al.
(2004) Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5497 p.251-265
Conference paperParallelization of MATLAB for Euro50 integrated modeling
Michael Browne, Torben Andersen, Anita Enmark, Dan Moraru, Andrew Shearer
(2004) Modeling and Systems Engineering for Astronomy (Proceedings of the SPIE), 5497 p.604-610
Conference paperStatus of the Euro50 project
Torben Andersen, Arne Ardeberg, Holger Riewaldt, M. Lastiwka, N. Quinlan, et al.
(2004) Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5489 p.407-416
Conference paperSodium beacon wavefront sensing for the Euro50 telescope in the presence of perspective elongation
Jacques M. Beckers, Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen
(2004) Proceedings of the SPIE, 5382 p.510-519
Conference paperRapid refocusing system for the Euro50 telescope aimed at removing the perspective elongation of laser beacons
Jacques M Beckers, Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen
(2003) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. Proceedings, 5169 p.123-136
Journal articleEuro50
Torben Andersen, Arne Ardeberg, J Beckers, Alexander Gontcharov, Mette Owner-Petersen, et al.
(2003) Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5382 p.169-182
Conference paperIntegrated modeling of the Euro50
Torben Andersen, M.T. Browne, Anita Enmark, Dan Moraru, Mette Owner-Petersen, et al.
(2003) Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5382 p.366-378
Conference paperEffective outer scale estimation for Euro50 site
Vladimir Lukin, Alexander Gontcharov, Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen
(2003) Proc. SPIE, 5026
Conference paperCorrection of perspective elongation of Sodium beacons in the 50 m Euro50 telescope
J. M. Beckers, Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen
(2003) Proc. SPIE, 2003
Conference paperEuro50 : design study of a 50 m Adaptive Optics Telescope
Torben Andersen, Arne Ardeberg, Mette Owner-Petersen
BookAdaptive optics for the Euro50: design and performance
Alexander Gontcharov, Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen, Jacques M. Beckers, Nicholas Devaney
(2003) Future Giant Telescopes. Proceedings of the SPIE, 4840 p.36-46
Conference paperControl strategy for the adaptive optics of the Euro50
Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen, Alexander Gontcharov, Jacques M. Beckers
(2003) Future Giant Telescopes. Proceedings of the SPIE, 4840 p.427-435
Conference paperThe Euro50 Extremely Large Telescope
Torben Andersen, Arne Ardeberg, Jacques Beckers, Alexander Gontcharov, Mette Owner-Petersen, et al.
(2003) Future Giant Telescopes. Proceedings of the SPIE., 4840 p.214-225
Conference paperEuro50 - A 50 m Adaptive Optics Telescope
BookConcepts for Dual Conjugate Adaptive Optics for the Swedish 50 m Extremely Large Telescope
Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen, Alexander Gontcharov
(2002) Venice Conference: Beyond Conventional Adaptive Optics
Conference paperAdaptive optics schemes for future extremely large telescopes
Alexander Gontcharov, Mette Owner-Petersen, Torben Andersen, JM Beckers
(2002) Optical Engineering, 41 p.1065-1072
Journal articleTechnology demonstration solar telescope
Torben Andersen, Oddbjrn Engvold, Mette Owner-Petersen
(2002) LEST Foundation Technical Report
ReportAn integrated simulation model of the Euro50
Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen, Holger Riewaldt
(2002) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4757 p.84-92
Conference paperWorkshop on Integrated Modeling of Telescopes
(2002) SPIE Conference Proceedings, 4757
Conference publicationIntegrated modeling of submillimeter radio telescopes
Dan Moraru, Torben Andersen
(2002) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4757 p.169-173
Conference paperThe Swedish 50 m ELT
Torben Andersen, Mette Owner-Petersen, Alexander Gontcharov
(2002) Beyond conventional adaptive optics; ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings, 58 p.7-10
Conference paperEuro50: Proposal for a 50 m Optical and Infrared Telescope
Arne Ardeberg, Torben Andersen, Jose Miguel Rodriguez Espinosa
(2001) Reviews in modern astronomy. 15, Astronomy with large telescopes from ground and space, 18
Conference paper